Mary and Team
Team Award

Customer Service Standards

We Aim to:

  • Treat all customers in a courteous, helpful and respectful manner at all times.

  • Acknowledge all letters, correspondence etc. within at least working days.

  • Annually involve our customers and staff in setting and reviewing standards.

  • Answer all telephone calls courteously and promptly within five rings.

  • Assess staff's performance in relation to customer care through supervision and appraisal.

  • Publish our standards so that our customers, staff and the public can read them.

  • Consult and involve our customers in the planning and delivery of services.

  • Make sure that the person who meets the above requirements most closely gets the job.

  • Monitor and publish information about customer satisfaction at least every 12 months.

  • Acknowledge all telephone messages within at least 2 working days.

  • Acknowledge all complaints within 5 working days.

  • Make sure that we get to grips with anything lacking in relation to customer care and publish action plans for improvement.

  • Make sure that our customers know what their rights are and treat them equally and fairly at all times.

  • Train all staff on the principles, benefits and best practice of Customer Care (including training them about the 'special needs' which some customers may have).

  • Make sure that customer care principles are built into all job descriptions and details about the kind of person needed for the job, before advertising it.

  • Make sure that our customers know what they can expect from our services by providing information leaflets, tapes and brochures in a style and language that is understandable and suitable.

  • Make sure that our customers know how to make a comment, complaint or compliment and feel able to do so, by operating and publishing a simple and easily available procedure which is speedy and user-friendly.


Our response to people who wish to use our services is based on the principles of equality, choice, self-determination, independence and participation. The service is designed to take these principles into account. We aim to develop a basis of mutual respect, trust, and honesty between workers and people who use the service. We are committed to the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination.


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